Good workplace conditions and partnership building is one of the best investments a company can do to be sustainable, innovative and competitive and the Swedish labour market model could be an inspiring method.
The Swedish Workplace Programme invited business leaders and union representatives to EXPO 2020 to discuss – if the Swedish labour market model can be adapted in different contexts globally. The panelists shared how they apply the model as an approach to contribute to sustainable business and green transition.
They all agreed that the core of the model can be adapted in different contexts and contribute to sustainability. The companies are leading the green transformation by developing new technologies and finding climate neutral ways to produce their products. This will have an impact on both companies and employees. It will demand cooperation in the workplace to continue to be innovative and prepared for a shift. The panelists emphasized that the investment in time from the leadership to find common ways to meet challenges that arise is crucial for developing companies and employees for a sustainable future. Please, watch the recorded discussion to find out more.
How to implement
In the second panel, the SWP team shared challenges and successes of using the partnership-driven workplace strategy in a practical way in different contexts to promote decent work and sustainability.
Examples were shared on how to inspire and support companies in different parts of the world to strengthen relations in the workplace. Improvements have been taken place both at management level and for the employees. Please, watch the recorded discussion to find out more. (1:02:15)