Electricidade de Moçambique E.P. (EDM)
Ongoing since 2023

Mozambique is a net exporter of energy to countries in the Southern African Power Pool (SAAP) and has an important regional role in the commercialization of electricity in the region. Electricidade de Moçambique E.P. (EDM), the state-owned energy company which generates, transmits and distributes electricity and is the sole electrical utility in Mozambique, plays a key role in Mozambique achieving universal access to energy and electrifying the region.
Mozambique aims to achieve universal access to energy by 2030. Large investments in Mozambique’s energy sector are being made to achieve this goal and access increased from 34% in 2021 to 48% in 2022.
“With EDM being a pioneer in its plans for
EDM’s Environmental, Social and Health Team
international environmental and social certification,
we believe that the partnership with NIR will have
a significant impact. The partnership will enhance
the capacity of EDM’s Environmental, Social and
Health Team. Given these imperative points for the
sustainable development of EDM, we have confidence
in the partnership, considering NIR’s ability,
knowledge and achievements in similar projects.”
Our support to EDM is phased as an effective ESMS is made up of many connected components. The first milestone achieved was the establishment of EDM’s E&S Policy and Policy Statement – the foundation of an ESMS. With our support, EDM’s Environmental, Social and Health Team developed a tailored E&S Policy which was presented to and adopted by EDM’s Board of Directors in December 2024. This milestone shows the commitment by EDM’s top management to proactively and effectively manage E&S risks and impacts across the organization and linked to its operations. xxx

Visiting one of EDM’s assets in Maputo in June, with EDM’s Environmental, Social and Health Team.
EDM’s Environmental, Social and Health Team is also simultaneously reviewing EDM’s existing processes for environmental management and with our support is working towards ISO 14001 certification in early 2025. The aim is to establish an ESMS that is fully integrated and aligned with ISO and IFC PS requirements.
We are also supporting EDM on other strategic issues key to the organization, including managing resettlement and how sustainability can be enhanced in EDM’s project procurement processes for large projects. This support, along with further development of the ESMS, will continue into 2025.