Ukraine’s Ministry of Internal Affairs

Sweden remains committed to supporting reconstruction in
Ukraine, including building civil resilience. A critical feature of
civil resilience is an effective and sustainable single national
emergency response system – which is even more vital during
wartime – to reduce severe injuries and deaths by shortening
the response time from alarm to operation.
Du ring autumn2022, Ukraine adopted legislation to implement an improved system of emergency response for the Ukrainian people via a single emergency response number – 112. To support Ukraine’s ambitions, we are partnering with Ukraine’s Ministry of Internal Affairs – the ministry responsible for 112 across the country – to support Ukraine’s organisational readiness to implement and operate 112 in
line with EU standards, which is also a requirement for EU accession. Building and operating a sustainable 112 agency means aligning and coordinating actors from across several ministries, agencies and units. Our support utilises the Swedish resource base. Sweden is a leader in 112 operations and is an optimal partner for sharing good practices on how to organise a 112 agency to ensure efficient coordination.

In November 2023, we visited Kyiv and Lviv
to meet with our partners and identify the
specific training and support needed to
ensure Ukraine’s readiness to implement andoperate 112 across the country. Training for 112 management and operators began in early 2024.